Marking Pioneer Day with a New Single

Ah, another Pioneer Day! Each year it somehow feels a bit more hypocritical to celebrate people crossing the plains to escape persecution when there is so much persecution happening here today in Utah.

The latest people to be under the boot are women. Which is a bit ironic given that Utah actually trailblazed women’s rights. Yet, here we are, with SCOTUS having overturned Roe v. Wade and Utah at the trigger to restrict people’s rights.

Even before the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling, we were working hard on a new EP that will be harder and louder than our last EP. (It’s all about balance!) But when the ruling came down on June 24, 2022, we diverted all our energy into releasing one of the upcoming songs, Not My Population, as a single – as it seemed particularly relevant to everything going on.

As of last night it is finished. It seems particularly apt to release it on Pioneer Day. We’re also committed to donating all proceeds from this single to the Utah Abortion Fund.

We hope you will enjoy the song, give to the cause, and spread the word. And however you spend today, we hope it is filled with joy.


Thank you as always for your support!

P.S. You can check out all our music here.