Feeling at home at Hometown Theory

What better way to kick off a band blog than talking about other bands?

I had the great fortune to witness the inaugural Hometown Theory in Salt Lake City a couple weeks back. Hosted and organized by Jeff Dillon and Y’allt Entertainment, the event took place in The Art Garden downtown – a cozy little plot of land with an awesome spaceship fabrication looming large over it.

The vendors were numerous and unique – including an Anime convention, a gothic-inspired candlemaker, a pottery maker, glitter maker, bug collector, tattooists, several bands, and more.

Sadly I missed the opening bands, including Petr Chubak and Spirit Machines. I’ve seen Spirit Machines before and love them – but haven’t had the chance to check out Petr Chubak. I hope I get to see both sometime soon!

The bands I did get to see though were all amazing: Racist Kramer, Tiger Fang, and Mortigi Tempo all had incredible performances on stage and were a lot of fun to watch. The night of music was bookended with Jeff Dillon and the Revival – who put on an emotional and riveting set that went well into the night. Jeff Dillon and the Revival recently released a new album which was part of the impetus for creating Hometown Theory.

On top of the vendors and music there was also a water wrestling event which was incredibly entertaining to see and held a few surprise wins as well!

All in all – an incredible event and one I hope to attend (and remember to take pictures of) next year! Everyone – both people I knew and strangers alike – made me feel like “one of the crew” and when the time came for it to end, I really didn’t want it to (I tried to stay as long as possible, even helping everyone break down and clean up).

P.S. If you haven’t bought Jeff Dillon and the Revival’s latest album yet, do yourself a favor and get it now!